How To Find A Truck Driver: The Art Of Recruitment

The Art Of Recruitment

Finding a qualified and reliable truck driver is crucial for any transportation company. The trucking industry is essential for the economy and requires skilled professionals to operate the vehicles safely and efficiently. However, the shortage of truck drivers has been a growing concern for many years. According to the American Trucking Associations, the trucking industry is short more than 60,000 drivers.

Hiring the right truck driver requires a lot of effort and time. There are numerous factors to consider when selecting the best candidate for the job. This article will guide you through the art of recruitment and help you find a truck driver that fits your company’s needs.

Main takeaways

  1. Recruitment of qualified truck drivers requires a comprehensive strategy that includes creating an accurate job description, posting job ads on appropriate platforms, utilizing social media, partnering with local schools and organizations, offering competitive compensation and benefits, conducting thorough interviews, checking references and verifying credentials, and providing training and support.

  2. Hiring the right truck driver is essential for the success of any transportation company. The trucking industry requires skilled professionals to operate vehicles safely and efficiently, and finding the right candidate can be challenging due to the shortage of truck drivers in the industry.

  3. Companies should offer competitive compensation and benefits, including health and retirement benefits, performance bonuses, and flexible work schedules, to attract and retain qualified drivers. Providing training and support, including onboarding and mentorship programs, can help new drivers adjust to the job and improve their skills, leading to higher job satisfaction and retention rates.

Create an Accurate Job Description

Creating an accurate job description is one of the essential steps in the recruitment process for finding the right truck driver for your company. An accurate job description can help attract the right candidates, as well as help you save time and effort in sifting through unqualified applicants.

To create an accurate job description for a truck driver position, consider the following:

  1. Determine the job requirements: The first step in creating an accurate job description is to determine the job requirements. Identify the essential skills and qualifications that are required for the job. This may include specific certifications or licenses, such as a commercial driver’s license (CDL), as well as prior experience driving a truck.

  2. List the essential job duties: The job description should outline the essential job duties that the driver will be responsible for. This may include operating and maintaining the vehicle, adhering to safety regulations and guidelines, and delivering goods to various locations.

  3. Mention required certifications and licenses: It is essential to mention any required certifications and licenses that the driver must possess, such as a CDL. Also, specify any endorsements that the driver must have, such as hazardous materials (Hazmat) or double/triple trailers.

  4. Highlight the company culture and values: Your job description should also highlight the company culture and values. This can help the candidate understand the company’s mission and goals, as well as the work environment they will be working in.

By creating an accurate job description, you can attract the right candidates who possess the necessary skills, experience, and qualifications for the job. An accurate job description can help you streamline the recruitment process and find the right fit for your company.

Post Job Ads on Appropriate Platforms

Posting job ads on appropriate platforms is crucial to attract qualified truck drivers to your company. By posting job ads in the right places, you can reach potential candidates who are actively seeking a job or may be open to new opportunities. Here are some tips for posting job ads on appropriate platforms:

  1. Use Trucking Industry Job Boards: Trucking industry job boards, such as or, are excellent places to post your job ad. These job boards are tailored to the trucking industry, and they attract drivers who are looking for job opportunities in the industry.

  2. Utilize General Job Boards: General job boards, such as Indeed or Monster, are popular platforms that job seekers use to find jobs. Posting your job ad on these platforms can help you reach a broader audience and attract candidates who may not be actively seeking a job in the trucking industry.

  3. Advertise in Local Newspapers: Many local newspapers have a job classified section where you can post your job ad. Advertising in local newspapers can help you reach candidates who are in your area and may be looking for job opportunities.

  4. Post on Company Website: You should also consider posting the job ad on your company’s website. This can help attract candidates who are familiar with your company and its values.

When posting your job ad on these platforms, make sure to include essential information about the job, such as the job title, job requirements, and compensation. Also, make sure to include your company’s contact information so that candidates can reach out to you directly.

Utilize Social Media

Utilizing social media is an excellent way to reach potential truck driver candidates who may not be actively looking for a job. Social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram, have become valuable tools for recruiters to advertise job openings and connect with candidates. Here are some tips for utilizing social media to find truck driver candidates:

  1. Create Company Pages on Social Media Platforms: Start by creating company pages on social media platforms. This will give you a platform to post updates about your company, including job openings. You can also post company news, industry-related articles, and other content that might be of interest to potential truck driver candidates.

  2. Post Job Ads on Social Media: Social media platforms also offer the ability to post job ads. You can use this feature to create job ads and target them to specific audiences. For example, you can target truck driver job ads to people who live in specific geographic areas or who have a specific skill set.

  3. Use LinkedIn to Search for Candidates: LinkedIn is a powerful social media platform for professional networking. You can use LinkedIn to search for candidates who have experience in the trucking industry or who possess specific certifications or licenses. You can also use LinkedIn to message potential candidates and share job openings.

  4. Join Trucking Industry Groups: Social media platforms also offer groups for specific industries. Joining trucking industry groups can help you connect with potential candidates who are already interested in the trucking industry. You can also post job openings in these groups and participate in industry-related discussions.

When utilizing social media, it’s important to remember that each platform has its own rules and etiquette. For example, Facebook and Twitter may require a more casual tone, while LinkedIn is more professional. Make sure to tailor your messaging to the appropriate platform and audience.

Partner with Local Schools and Organizations

Partnering with local schools and organizations is an effective way to find truck driver candidates who are interested in a career in the trucking industry. Here are some tips for partnering with local schools and organizations:

  1. Contact CDL Training Programs: Contact local CDL training programs and vocational schools to learn about their curriculum and to find out about upcoming graduates who may be looking for job opportunities. CDL training programs may be able to connect you with candidates who are looking for their first job in the industry.

  2. Attend Job Fairs and Recruitment Events: Attend job fairs and recruitment events hosted by schools and organizations. This is an excellent opportunity to meet potential candidates face-to-face and promote your company as a great place to work. Bring along brochures and information about your company to hand out to interested candidates.

  3. Join Trucking Associations: Joining local trucking associations can help you connect with other trucking companies and industry professionals. These associations often host events and conferences that can help you network with potential candidates.

  4. Establish Relationships with Local Companies: Establishing relationships with other local companies in the trucking industry can also help you find potential candidates. Contact other companies and let them know that you are looking for truck driver candidates. They may be able to recommend potential candidates or refer them to you.

When partnering with local schools and organizations, it’s important to be respectful of their time and resources. Make sure to communicate clearly about your goals and expectations and to follow up with potential candidates in a timely manner. It’s also important to be open-minded about candidates who may not have years of experience but possess the necessary skills and qualifications for the job.

Offer Competitive Compensation and Benefits

Offering competitive compensation and benefits is essential to attract and retain qualified truck drivers. In a competitive job market, companies that offer higher salaries, better benefits, and other incentives are more likely to attract the best candidates. Here are some tips for offering competitive compensation and benefits to your truck driver candidates:

  1. Conduct Salary Research: Before you can offer competitive compensation, you need to know what other companies are paying. Conduct salary research to determine the average pay for truck drivers in your area, taking into account factors such as experience, certification, and endorsements.

  2. Provide Health and Retirement Benefits: In addition to a competitive salary, offering health and retirement benefits is essential. Truck drivers often spend long hours on the road and may face health issues related to the job. Providing comprehensive health insurance and retirement benefits can help attract and retain qualified drivers.

  3. Offer Performance Bonuses: Performance bonuses can be an excellent way to incentivize drivers to work hard and stay with the company. Bonuses can be tied to performance metrics, such as safe driving, on-time delivery, and fuel efficiency.

  4. Provide Flexible Work Schedules: Providing flexible work schedules can be another way to attract and retain truck driver candidates. Offering part-time, weekend, or night shift options can help drivers balance work and personal responsibilities.

When offering compensation and benefits, it’s important to be transparent about what is included in the package. Make sure to communicate the details of the benefits package during the recruitment process, and be available to answer any questions that candidates may have. Additionally, it’s important to review compensation and benefits packages regularly to ensure that they remain competitive in the market.

Conduct Thorough Interviews

Conducting thorough interviews is crucial to finding the right truck driver candidate for your company. An interview provides an opportunity for you to evaluate the candidate’s skills, experience, and fit for the company. Here are some tips for conducting thorough interviews:

  1. Prepare Interview Questions: Before the interview, prepare a set of questions that are tailored to the job and the candidate’s qualifications. Ask open-ended questions that require the candidate to provide detailed answers. Examples of questions you could ask include: “Tell me about your experience driving a truck,” “How do you handle stressful situations on the road?” and “What do you know about our company?”

  2. Conduct Phone Screenings: Consider conducting a phone screening before the in-person interview. This can help you get a sense of the candidate’s communication skills and whether they meet the minimum qualifications for the job.

  3. Conduct In-Person Interviews: When conducting in-person interviews, consider including a driving portion of the interview. Have the candidate drive a truck, simulate backing up, and parking, to determine their driving abilities. In-person interviews can also give you a sense of the candidate’s personality and whether they would be a good fit for the company culture.

  4. Evaluate Communication and Problem-Solving Skills: During the interview, evaluate the candidate’s communication and problem-solving skills. Communication is essential in the trucking industry, and you want to make sure the candidate can communicate effectively with dispatchers, customers, and other drivers. Problem-solving skills are also critical, as drivers often face unexpected situations on the road.

After the interview, make sure to follow up with the candidate in a timely manner. Provide feedback on the interview, answer any questions they may have, and let them know the next steps in the hiring process.

Check References and Verify Credentials

Checking references and verifying credentials is an essential step in the recruitment process for finding the right truck driver for your company. This step helps ensure that the candidate has the necessary skills, experience, and qualifications for the job. Here are some tips for checking references and verifying credentials:

  1. Ask for References: When conducting the interview, ask the candidate for references from previous employers or driving instructors. Make sure to contact these references to verify the candidate’s driving abilities and work experience.

  2. Conduct Background Checks: Conducting background checks can help verify a candidate’s criminal record, driving history, and drug test results. This step can help ensure that the candidate meets the necessary qualifications for the job and is not a safety risk.

  3. Verify CDL and Endorsements: Verify the candidate’s CDL and any endorsements they may have, such as Hazmat or double/triple trailers. This can be done through the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) website. Make sure to verify the expiration date of the license and endorsements, as well as any restrictions that may be in place.

  4. Review Employment History: Review the candidate’s employment history to ensure that they have the necessary experience and qualifications for the job. Make sure to verify the start and end dates of previous jobs and the reasons for leaving.

When checking references and verifying credentials, it’s important to maintain confidentiality and comply with all applicable laws and regulations. Make sure to obtain the candidate’s written consent before conducting background checks and to inform them of their rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act.

Provide Training and Support

Providing training and support is a crucial aspect of recruiting and retaining qualified truck drivers. Proper training and ongoing support can help drivers improve their skills, stay up to date on industry regulations, and feel valued and supported by their employer. Here are some tips for providing training and support to your truck driver employees:

  1. Provide Orientation: After a candidate is hired, provide an orientation that covers company policies, procedures, and safety regulations. This can help the driver become familiar with the company culture and expectations from the beginning.

  2. Offer Ongoing Training: Provide ongoing training to help drivers improve their skills and knowledge. This may include driver safety training, new technology training, or refresher courses on regulations.

  3. Assign a Mentor: Assigning a mentor to new drivers can be an effective way to provide support and guidance. A mentor can help the driver learn about the company culture and provide advice on how to navigate different situations on the road.

  4. Provide Supportive Communication: Establish regular communication with drivers to provide support and address any concerns they may have. Regular communication can help drivers feel valued and supported by their employer.

  5. Use Incentives to Encourage Safe Driving: Using incentives, such as bonuses or gift cards, can encourage safe driving practices and motivate drivers to achieve specific goals.

Providing training and support to truck drivers is not only beneficial for the driver, but it is also beneficial for the company. A well-trained and supported driver is more likely to be satisfied with their job and stay with the company long-term. Additionally, a trained driver can help reduce the risk of accidents and improve the safety record of the company.

Key Factors

  • Writing an accurate job description helps attract the right candidates
  • Posting job ads on various platforms increases the reach of the job listing
  • Utilizing social media can help reach potential candidates who may not be actively looking for a job
  • Partnering with local schools and organizations can help find candidates who are interested in a career in trucking
  • Offering competitive compensation and benefits can help attract and retain qualified drivers
  • Conducting thorough interviews helps ensure that the candidate is the right fit for the company
  • Checking references and verifying credentials helps ensure that the candidate has a good track record and is qualified for the job
  • Providing training and support can help new drivers adjust to the job and improve their skills